Kat's Story

I want to share my story because workplace bullying is a huge issue and can happen to any one of any age.

I was bullied by my boss for a number of years, it included; comments on how I looked (negative comments) when we were one on one, and also in front of the team. Being excluded from meetings, regularly being told I was crazy when I would question some of his behaviour - I would ask “why do you exclude me?” He was say “your crazy, you just didn’t get the email” or something.

We had a team retreat where we did a morning bush walk, I have bad lungs, so do walk at a slower pace than others and he got the whole team to run and leave me behind. He changed the route so I couldn’t find them and was late back to start the workshop. He made fun of me in front of the team, saying “how slow are you??”

I was overlooked for a promotion that I had spent years working towards, and when I questioned it, he said my mental health issues made me a liability.

I had always been honest about my anxiety and confidence issues, so when I asked what he meant he said “you’re pretty crazy!” When I complained about this to his boss, he denied it all. There are so many more examples!

I would dread going into the office because of his treatment.

Eventually I got the courage to make a formal complaint to HR.

They were based overseas in the head office and told me, I’d probably just misunderstood and the best thing to do was work hard and move on.

A few months after making the complaint, I was told that my position was being moved to the US, and I was no longer required. The company did not investigate, did not speak to others who had also been bullied.

It was so sad to know that I had no voice, and that power and position were more important than well being.

- Thank you for sharing your story, Kat. Your voice matters. Love Sam and Kristine x

Kristine Ross