
Your Stories

Everyone has a story 

Caylie's story

Anxiety is a cloud of worry that constantly hovers. It scares you into running back to your comfort zone, and it makes it incredibly easy to do so. There is no other time when you yearn for that comfort zone more than when you have an anxiety attack. The attacks are like a fun little lucky-dip, so many possible symptoms and you don’t know what you’re going to get. Shaky hands and legs, nausea, pounding heart, and trouble breathing to name a few.

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Sam Frost
Emilie's story

In 2010 my life changed forever, I was only 11. My family was falling apart and my parents were going through a nasty divorce. I was living alone with my mother while she was struggling with depression, she took all her anger and frustration on like out on me. My mum turned to a family friend Rick, my mum fell in love with him and he was always around. Rick started staying over at my house a lot it was at the point he saw his chance to get me alone and sexually assault me.

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Torre DeRoche