Jordi's story

Due to trauma at 15 years old I suffered with anxiety and depression, I developed an eating disorder and I had PTSD. For so long it was so hard to accept treatment because I felt so judged and didn’t quite understand what was going on. I’m 25 years of age and after 10 years battling with mental illness I’ve hit a breakthrough and it’s something I want to share. I spent over 2 years in hospital learning to eat properly again, and regain life because after battling it for so long I was very unwell. It was hard work but I think for me I realised that you can have all the support in the world but you have got to want to do it for yourself. I still am in active treatment but as an out patient. My doctor told me she was my last hope that it had gotten to the point where I was going to die because I damaged my body and mind so badly. I’m the lucky one that for a miracle reason pulled through. In the past 6 months I have completely stuck on the path of recovery and I’d love to help anyone who right now doesn’t have hope for themselves. Because when there’s life there is hope. I’m a child care educator and a nursing student at uni. I’m not where I need to be but I’m glad I'm not where I used to be.

10 years struggling but I’ve had a breakthrough and that gives me so much joy and happiness.

Thank you for reading. Warmly, Jordi

Torre DeRoche