
Your Stories

Everyone has a story 

Liz's Story

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always felt my feelings in my stomach. Sadness like a dull ache, happiness like butterflies or a deep wrenching fear. I remember from an early age just being so afraid. Mostly of what people thought but also what people might do. Would they hate me? Would they reject me?

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Kristine Ross
Melinda's story

I just wanted to share this small note with you. I was having a bad day one day (probably upset over a guy) and so I was crying in my car in a car park. I knew there was someone parked next to me, but I just didn’t care, I needed to release my bad day emotionally.  Once I felt composed enough, I went in to my appointment at the doctors, and when I came back out, I found this note on the dashboard of my car. I was so surprised.

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Sam Frost
B's Story

I was in an abusive relationship for 6 years. It began when I was 19 years old. Six years of my life I spent with someone who I did think I truly loved and loved me back. There was always excuses for his behaviour, which made me see past it. He had mental health issues, drug addictions, so it was always the excuse for his actions. I spent 6 years scared, walking on eggshells.

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Kristine Ross
Yvette's Story

For the rest of my pregnancy I struggled to keep food and drink down. I started feeling exhausted from trying to stop myself from vomiting and looking after my daughter. I started thinking ‘what have I done?’ ‘Why did I turn my life back upside down when it was going so well?, ‘why did I think having a baby would be a good idea?’ ‘My freedom that I just started to enjoy is gone for at least 5 years.

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Kristine Ross
Peta's story

I thought February 26th 2011 was the worst day of my life, at 11.5 weeks pregnant I lost my baby. I remember laying on the bed at the hospital waiting for someone to do my ultrasound, it felt like the bed had no mattress, just cold hard steel, it's like my thoughts were preparing me for the onslaught.......there is no heart beat! What followed that day in hospital is what nightmares are made of and I now know that’s where my story began.

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Sam Frost
Caylie's story

Anxiety is a cloud of worry that constantly hovers. It scares you into running back to your comfort zone, and it makes it incredibly easy to do so. There is no other time when you yearn for that comfort zone more than when you have an anxiety attack. The attacks are like a fun little lucky-dip, so many possible symptoms and you don’t know what you’re going to get. Shaky hands and legs, nausea, pounding heart, and trouble breathing to name a few.

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Sam Frost
Emilie's story

In 2010 my life changed forever, I was only 11. My family was falling apart and my parents were going through a nasty divorce. I was living alone with my mother while she was struggling with depression, she took all her anger and frustration on like out on me. My mum turned to a family friend Rick, my mum fell in love with him and he was always around. Rick started staying over at my house a lot it was at the point he saw his chance to get me alone and sexually assault me.

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Torre DeRoche